Every Child is Unique
Our team of therapists understands that every child is unique, and some children and their families may benefit from sessions conducted within the home environment. To meet these needs, we can arrange daytime and early evening home appointments that fit around school and family life.
Comfort and Safety
At-home sessions are an opportunity for less social children to learn and grow in an environment where they feel comfortable and safe. The therapist will arrive and spend some time initially getting to know the child and supervising parent to build rapport and trust. Working with children and their parents in their home can be a great way for the therapist to gain insight into the child’s daily life, such as how they interact with the family and the elements of their environment. This information can inform the child’s care program and the common goals of the family and therapy team.
What type of space is needed for in home therapy?
The therapist will require a quiet space in the home to work with the child where they can also be surrounded by favorite toys and objects. This could be the child’s personal space such as their bedroom, or at the kitchen table, depending on each individual child and their unique preferences. For many children, having a parent nearby greatly aids their comfort level and adaptation to learning. This is also a chance for the parent to be an active participant and learn therapy methods to reinforce outside of the therapy sessions.
Our Approach
At-home sessions are the most productive when everyone feels relaxed and comfortable. So our therapists do their best to honour the family environment and build the trust needed for a relaxed atmosphere to aid the child’s learning.