Below is a list of acronyms that are frequently used throughout the world of Autism.
ABA → Applied Behaviour Analysis
A-B-C → Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence
ABLLS-R → Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (Revised)
ACSD → Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
ADOS → Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
AIP → Autism Intervention Program (2006-2017)
AO → Autism Ontario
AODA → Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
BACB → Behaviour Analysis Certification Board
BCBA → Board Certified Behaviour Analyst
BCBA-D → Board Certified Behaviour Analyst – Doctoral
BCaBA → Board Certified Assistant Behaviour Analyst
BIP → Behaviour Intervention Plan (also known as BSP)
BSP → Behaviour Support Plan
CIC → Clinician-In-Charge (also known as Clinical Supervisor)
DFO → Direct Funding Option (service option under the AIP or Liberal OAP/Legacy Program)
DSO → Direct Service Option (service option under the AIP or Liberal OAP /Legacy Program) or Developmental Services Ontario
DTC → Disability Tax Credit
EA → Educational Assistant (may be called ERW or TA in other school boards)
ERW → Education Resource Worker (may be called EA or TA in other school boards)
FA → Functional Analysis
FBA → Functional Behaviour Assessment
IBI → Intensive Behaviour Intervention (also known as comprehensive ABA)
IEP → Individual Education Plan
IPRC → Identification, Placement and Review Committee
ISP → Individual Service Plan/Individual Support Plan
IT → Instructor Therapist
OAP → Ontario Autism Program
ODSP → Ontario Disability Support Program
OHRC → Ontario Human Rights Commission
OHRT → Ontario Human Rights Tribunal
OT → Occupational Therapist / Occupational Therapy
PPM → Policy/Program Memorandum (i.e. PPM 140)
RBT → Registered Behaviour Technician
RDSP → Registered Disability Savings Plan
SEA → Special Equipment Amount
SEG → Special Education Grant
SEPPA → Special Education Per Pupil Amount
SIP → Special Incidence Portion
SLP → Speech Language Pathologist
SNA → Special Needs Assistant (TDSB)
SSAH → Special Services At Home
ST → Senior Therapist
TA → Teaching Assistant (May be called EA or ERW in other school boards)